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The Top E-Mail Marketing Trends In 2015

Email marketing is ranked among the top three positions where the most important digital marketing techniques are concerned. Many businesses keep on increasing their annual budgets for email marketing since it is so important for their businesses. In fact, digital marketing has become so competitive nowadays that email marketing keeps on changing to stay abreast with the competition. Learning the latest e-mail marketing trends will help your business immensely in the long run. This article highlights the latest e-mail marketing trends in 2015.  

Using Responsive E-Mail Designs

Responsive email designs (RSD) are becoming popular in 2015. Simple email designs work best across various devices. Even though RSD has been around for almost three years, many companies are considering using RSD techniques which are effective for desktop and mobile devices. More and more recipients seem to read their emails on tablets and Smartphones nowadays. This is why responsive email designs will become the trend in 2015 and beyond.

You will see more email animations in 2015 compared to the past couple of years. Advanced email marketers, working in retail businesses, are finding that animated email interfaces get better conversion rates compared to the traditional email interfaces. Animated interfaces capture the reader's attention quite easily. Cinemagraphs and animated gifts provide a live vibrant email that will engage your audience.

Incorporating HTML5

HTML5 makes it easier to embed videos in emails. This is another positive trend in email marketing which will become popular in 2015. Consumers prefer to watch a 2-minute engaging video about a product or service than reading chunks of text in an email. This will definitely improve your conversion rates even further. Dynamic customization is another popular trend taking root in 2015. You may see more e-mail campaigns become personalized with dynamic customization.

For a quick introduction to HTML5, please check out the following video -

The double opt-in method is becoming popular these days. It permits a recipient to opt-in to a company's e-mail campaign by sending a blank e-mail to a particular e-mail address. The process will trigger an opt-in confirmation request email, which will ask the particular client to activate their subscription by clicking a link in the e-mail. This is another important trend in 2015 and beyond.

Location Specific E-Mail Marketing

Location specific e-mail marketing and real time e-mail marketing are the other popular trends in 2015 and beyond. Staying abreast the latest trends in e-mail marketing is essential for increasing the leads and sales in your business. The aforementioned article highlights some of the most popular e-mail marketing trends in 2015.

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